Do Time to Get Time

Payday 3

NYX Game Awards – Grand Winner

For the launch of heisting shooter game Payday 3, we needed a campaign that got new and existing Payday 2 players excited for the sequel, in an engaging and interactive way that aligned with the criminal narrative of the Payday games. The result was a community activation where the players could atone for their Payday 2 crimes, and get a chance to play the game before anyone else – by going to prison.


Kevin Krooks Art Director, Project Manager
Oscar Wickman Creative Director
Sebastian Graiter Copywriter

The Setup

Anyone with a Payday 2 account could sign up to participate, where their statistics from the account was used to compete with, together with an application video explaining why they deserve to go to jail. One lucky winner was selected and put in a prison with 3 other gaming influencers, where they needed to overcome challenges in order to earn their playtime.

Wishlist Boost


Total Impressions (24h)


Premiere Watch Live Views


Total Views (24h)



The Premiere

The result of the prison experiment premiered on the official Payday 3 Launch Stream, with 150,000 people tuning in to watch it live. A few minutes after, we published the same video on YouTube.
