The Gateway Concept

Payday 3

The Payday franschise has an extremely dedicated community with hundreds of thousands active users, reaching beyond the game. Reddit forums, Discord channels and X discussions are constantly running hot, discussing everything from NPC personalities to narrative events. To be short – they live the Payday world. With a dedicated community as this, it’s important to expand on this universe. Something we’ve done with The Gateway Concept: A narrative concept expanding the storyline from the game to the real world.


Kevin Krooks Art Director/Copywriter
Kevin Krooks Design
Sebastian Graiter Copywriter
Adam Clark Coding
Marcus Paulsson Video production

Average Engagement Time

2 min 46 s

Average Monthly Visitors


The News Outlets

The Gateway Report is the official in-game news outlet, existing only as non-interactable props. We launched this web version of the brand as part of a promotional campaign for a DLC, where we teased the upcoming heist narrative in article formats, to hype the community up. This later expanded to being frequently updated, used for building the game lore between updates, hiding secrets and easter eggs, and even referencing game bugs in a narratively fitting way.

This project expanded into another DLC campaign, where The Gateway Report had a central role in the DLC narrative in terms of being there with a camera crew, covering a courtroom trial. Naturally, we made the show into a ‘real’ one where we referenced the heist events. This in turn became a recurring show where we talked about the previous heist events, but also teasing the next DLC to the community.